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for Professional Carpet Cleaning Service
in 5 easy steps


Move Furniture Decorations & Breakables 

Large furniture is only recommended to be moved every 4th cleaning. Rotate which area has all the furniture moved every cleaning. We do not Move Furniture unless discussed prior to quote.  


Call if you'd like us to provide this service as it does effect Price & Scheduling. Please leave furniture we are to move in its normal spot so our pre-treatment can work on the dirtier areas around it.



It is a good idea to remove the loose  soil and debris prior to Hot Water Extraction aka Steam Cleaning. The vast majority of customers prefer to keep the service cost low but we are happy to provide this service to busy customers for an additional charge.

Good vacuuming makes passes in two X shaped directions and the canister or bag is emptied at the half full mark. 


Secure Pets and Children

Plan to have all potential escapees wrangled (especially cats), secure and in a comfortable place prior to our 2 hour appointment window.


Remember that even very friendly dogs can become aggressive when a large new man with a monster vacuum is in your house doing new things.


Please treat your home as a construction area while we are cleaning and until everything is dry.  Wet floors, trip hazards and high powered equipment should be given all possible respect. Curious children should be kept safely away from the work in progress.


Save us a Parking Spot

Classic Carpet Care has the BIGGEST and Best equipment and it arrives in a AMAZON style Van... when possible we prefer to park on the street with our rear doors directly across from the front door or entry.  The most direct path to water and into the farthest area to be cleaned is ideal.


We will roll steam lines and large vacuum hoses from our van into the farthest area to be cleaned.  We carry enough hose to do sprawling apartment complexes.


Drying Instructions

Create ideal drying conditions by increasing air temperature  and air movement across the wet surfaces while allowing moisture an escape route. 


This can be done by turning up the Heat in winter or whole house fan in the summer (AC is required on hot days for Technician Health and Safety & best results) . Turn on all ceiling and utility fans. Open windows a crack for at least the first 2 hours. 

Very well maintained carpets will be dry in as little as 2 hours. The average dry time is 4-6 hours. Severely neglected carpets may take 8-12 hours if a salvage attempt is made. 

Easy Peasy! 
we accept cash, check, credit, apple pay or zelle.

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